Cardiac Arrest Research


Cardiac Arrest Research

Researchers from around the world have been doing research about cardiac arrest for more than 30 years. This includes what causes cardiac arrest, how to prevent cardiac arrest, how to care for victims of cardiac arrest and how to improve CPR and AED use. Here are some examples of the types of studies that have been done:

Bystanders are less willing to resuscitate out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims during the COVID19 pandemic.

Grunau B, Bal J, Scheuermeyer F, Guh D, Dainty KN, Helmer J, Saini S, Chakrabarti A, Brar N, Sidhu N, Barbic D, Christenson J, Chakrabarti S. Resuscitation Plus. 2020 Dec;4:100034.

Effect of synchronous online vs. face-to-face cardiopulmonary resuscitation training on chest compression quality: A pilot randomized manikin study.

Lin L, Ni S, Cheng J, Zhang Z, Zeng R, Jin X, Zhao Y. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021 Dec;50:80-84. 

Experiences and Psychological Influences in Lay Rescuers Performing Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Qualitative Study.

Chen HH, Chiang WC, Hsieh MJ, Lee CH, Yuan ZF, Lin HY, Chew LF, Huang EP, Yang CW, Liao SC, Lin CW, Lee MN, Ma MH. Journal of Acute Medicine. 2020 Dec 1;10(4):138-148.


A new avenue of research that our team has been exploring is getting bystanders and survivors like you more involved in determining what questions to ask, how to design the study and learning from your experience to inform education and training. If you would be interested in learning more about how you could participate, click here:

There are also several teams of researchers in different countries that have teamed up to do larger research studies and agree on treatment guidelines based on science; these groups include: